We offer a fitness tracker data platform.
That can be incorporated in your Application.
Fully equiped dataplatform
Maximum of 500 datasubjects
Expansion to 1000 datasubjects:
€ 1,59/additional datasubject annually
€ 11.000,- at once or € 4.250,- annually over 3 years
Fully equiped dataplatform
Maximum of 1000 datasubjects
Expanding to 2000 datasubjects
€ 0.89/datasubject annually
€ 16.900 at once or € 3.670,- annually over 5 years
Perfect for large companies
Maximum of 2000 datasubjects
Expanding to 5000 datasubjects
€ 0,39/datasubject annually
Over 5000 datasubjects; fee to be mutually agreed upon